
Domestic Violence

I can’t sum  up this topic in 150 or 200 words cause this is undoubtedly  more than that  ,domestic violence we all have faced it sometime in a relationship, its high time we spoke about this in open and stop worrying about the consequences, this problem or issue as we call it does not occur […]

The Cruel History Of Conversion Therapy And Why It Must Stop

The goal of the ‘therapy’ is vulgarly clear – to change one’s sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expressions to societally normative identities. In the processes, people may be subjected to psychoanalysis, religious faith healing, exorcism, aversion behavioral conditioning, electroshock, surgical interventions, and even corrective rape. Anjana Harish‘s tragic death a few days before the […]

A Guide To Affordable Mental Health Care For The Queer Community

In a country like India where both mental health and non-binary identities are topics that are neglected despite being essential parts of an individual’s identity, it can be quite challenging to navigate through issues regarding the same. As a person who is queer and managing a mental illness, it is important to be defiant in […]

Gaysi Guide To Queer+ve Mental Health Care In India

he treatment gap of any mental health disorder in India is about 83%. (NMS, 2016) The WHO had predicted that by 2020, 20% of the population in India would suffer from mental health problems when the available number of mental health professionals for this demographic is a mere approximate of 4,000. For a country with […]

Demystifying Mental Healthcare For The Queer Community

Mental health problems become more pronounced when they are discussed in the context of the queer community. Although official statistics of India’s queer population are not available, it has been estimated that 6-8% of the country’s total population comprises queer people. Mental healthcare seems to be the most-discussed topic these days. Despite recent attempts at […]

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