
How Do I Know if My Child Needs Counselling?

Signs Your Child Needs Counselling “He has become very rigid and doesn’t listen to me at all.” “My daughter gets carried away very easily and I get scared for her at times.” “Rishabh doesn’t listen to anyone. He fears no one at home, not even his father; rather he becomes rebellious if we say anything […]

Child Counselling: Types, Benefits, Importance, Challenges

“Childhood is the best of all the seasons of life, and the longer it lasts with happy memories, the stronger the emotional stability in adulthood” – Venugopal Acharya – Our childhood shapes our adulthood and that is why psychologists have emphasised on the importance of mental health during early years. As a practising psychologist, I […]

What is Bullying: Is Bullying a Social Issue – All You Need To Know!

Is Bullying a Social Issue? Bullying is no longer subjected to being just a school issue, but it is more than that.  Bullying is something that happens in school, colleges, universities and workplaces. Children and adolescents are the ones who are impacted the most because of this. Most of the studies propose that bullying is […]

What Does Relationship Counseling Involve?

“Love is a two-way street, constantly under construction.” -Carroll Brynt. Romantic relationships are one of the most beautiful relationships in a person’s life. Being with someone who loves you, cares for you, is ready to face all challenges with you, is a great feeling. But it isn’t always rosy. Just like one accepts the good […]

How To Stop Domestic Abuse?

According to National intimate partner and sexual violence survey, more than one third of women and one in 12 men have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime. This is a huge number. Domestic violence can happen to anyone – poor, rich, educated, uneducated, young, old. We all can take steps to stop domestic violence. […]

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