Counselling Services

Counseling for ADHD Child

ADHD is not a choice or bad parenting. Kids with ADHD work twice as hard as their peers every
day but receive more negative feedback from the world.
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Counseling for ADHD Children in Pune

Are you looking for counselors for your child’s ADHD in Pune, Maharashtra, India? We provide the best child counseling services. If you’re in Pune, you can opt for one-to-one counseling services, if you are residing anywhere in India, don’t worry, we’re providing online child counseling services as well.

What is ADHD Child Counselling?

There are multiple therapies for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) Behavior therapy works best for children with ADHD. Apart from behavior therapy, play therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, family therapy, medications along with therapy also works best for a child with ADHD. All therapies focus on unconditionally accepting the child and making desirable changes in their behavior. In ADHD therapy, a positive relationship with the therapist helps kids feel encouraged and supported as they learn. Along with therapy, sometimes medication is also suggested in a few cases.

Therapy session includes activities such as – 

1. Talking and listening

Therapists teach children to talk about their feelings. This helps them acknowledge their feelings and express them in words instead of actions. Talking and listening helps kids feel understood and ready to learn. It also helps them learn to pay attention and listen better.

2. Games with some purpose

For young children, play can teach self-control — like waiting to take a turn. Therapists might use games that teach kids to slow down, follow directions, and try again instead of losing their temper or giving up. Play is also a way for kids to learn how to plan, organize, and put things away.

3. Activities that will teach them a few lessons

Therapists might teach children lessons about emotions, organizing schoolwork, studying, or understanding others. Activities and worksheets help make these lessons fun.

4. Practicing mindfulness, meditation

Therapists might teach kids skills such as mindfulness, breathing exercises, meditation, etc. to calm them down. These skills can train attention and calm the mind and body. These skills are practiced in a therapy session.

5. Problem-solving

Therapists will ask about the problems the child faces in school and at home. They will talk together with kids and parents about how to work out these problems.

Why Do You Need ADHD Child Counselling?

Therapy helps kids to function better at school, home, and other places. Counselling along with medication is necessary to make the child a better functioning person.

ADHD child counselling is needed for multiple reasons such as:

When to Get ADHD Child Counselling?

 Often parents are likely to start by taking their child to a family doctor or pediatrician. Depending on the results of the initial evaluation, your doctor may refer you to a specialist, such as a developmental-behavioral pediatrician, psychologist, psychiatrist, or pediatric neurologist. The symptoms are often confused with many other disorders such as anxiety, depression, etc.

If any of the following symptoms apply to your child, you need to get him/her tested as soon as possible – 

If your child shows any of these symptoms lately, it’s better to consult a Professional in time. Always remember – The Sooner, the better!

ADHD Child Counselling: FAQs

 You are likely to have multiple questions after your child’s recent ADHD symptoms or diagnosis. We’re answering common questions here.

Counseling can help you learn how to cope with ADHD and with the feelings that result from it. It can encourage you to think more positively about yourself. Along with counseling, medications are also helpful in a few cases to make control over behavioral symptoms of ADHD such as fidgeting, impulsivity, sleep disturbances, etc.

Behavior therapy is an effective treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that can improve a child’s behavior, self-control, and self-esteem. It is most effective in young children when it is delivered by parents. The fundamentals of behavior therapy for ADHD are easy to understand and implement. There are many forms of behavior therapy, but all of them have a common goal—to change the child’s physical and social environments to help the child improve his behavior. Under this approach, parents, teachers, and other caregivers learn better ways to work with and relate to the child having ADHD. They learn how to set and enforce rules, help children understand what s/he needs to do, use discipline effectively, and encourage good behavior. The child will learn better ways to control his behavior as a result of the therapy. The parent/caregivers/teachers learn how to be more consistent. 

For many kids, medication is an important part of treatment, which helps in enhancing focus and reducing hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Contrary to stigma, medication can greatly improve social functioning for children with ADHD. Medications can have a cascade of positive effects on school performance and engagement, emotional health, social belonging, and more. Even so, medication is only one part of the treatment. Besides medication, therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Behaviour Therapy, play therapy, parent training in behavior management, and/or behavioral classroom interventions can also help the child with ADHD.

 Psychiatrists prescribe and manage your kid’s medication. A Psychiatrist is a specialist who has the expertise to closely monitor the effects of different drugs. A psychiatrist can also help if your child has some other conditions that sometimes go along with ADHD, such as anxiety, mood disordersseizures, and sleep problems. Whereas, Psychologists will give your child tools to manage some of their behavioral and emotional problems. They’ll show them ways to control angry outbursts, for instance, or stay focused in the classroom. They may also teach your child social skills, like how to wait their turn, share toys, ask for help, or respond to teasing. A psychologist can also come up with a plan to help make the child’s life a bit easier in school. Both Psychologists and Psychiatrists can diagnose ADHD. 

` But, choosing the right professional to diagnose and treat your ADHD often begins with talking to your primary care physician. Your doctor may be able to diagnose you, refer you to other professionals in your area, or direct you to other resources that may help. Few things to consider while choosing the professional are –

1) Degree that they hold 

2) The cost 

3) Their treatment philosophy 

4) Their experience 

5) Their communication style 

There are three main types of ADHD, which differ as per their symptoms that present most commonly. The three types are:

  • ADHD, combined presentation: This is the most common type of ADHD. In this type, the child shows impulsive and hyperactive behavior, as well as gets distracted easily, and struggles to maintain attention.
  • ADHD, predominantly impulsive/hyperactive: This is the least common type of ADHD. The child shows signs of hyperactivity and the need to move constantly, as well as displaying impulsive behavior. But, they do not show signs of getting distracted or inattention.
  • ADHD, predominantly inattentive: People with this type of ADHD do not show signs of hyperactivity or impulsivity. Instead, the person will get distracted easily and find it difficult to pay attention. This type is also called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) 

Looking for Counseling for ADHD Child?

Are you looking for the best Counseling for ADHD Child in Pune, Maharashtra, India? We at WAITT, provide top one to one and online child counseling services for ADHD Child. To book an appointment, click here.



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